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Starting A Sugarcane Juice Business

Sep 08, 2017Published by Wendy
Are you searching for small food retails business ideas? You can consider starting a sugarcane juice business with small capital investment. There will show you why the sugarcane juice business is a preofitable business.
Basically, sugarcane juice is a very healthy beverage. Particularly, in the summer season, you can mark the huge demand for the fresh juice. However, you can turn your sugarcane juice outlet a profitable venture throughout the year.
5 Reasons Why Sugarcane Juice Business Is Profitable
First of all, you can open the business with very small capital investment. Therefore, the business reaches the break-even within a very short period of time.
Basically, this juice is a healthy alternative to processed cold drinks items. So, the demand will remain high in the future days also.
You can expand the brand at any moment of time by opening multiple counters.
Additionally, you can keep the customer retention throughout the year by selling different products from the same counter.
Finally, the business attracts a wide range of target audience. Regardless the age and gender, people love to consume fresh sugar cane juice as a healthy drink.
Nutritional Value of 30 gm Sugarcane Juice high quality sugarcane juice machine
30 gm fresh juice contains:
Proteins 0.20 g
Water 0.19 g
Ash 0.66 g
Fat 0.09 g
Riboflavin 0.16 mg
Niacin 0.20 mg
Pantothenic Acid 0.09 mg
Calcium 32.57 mg
Iron 0.57 mg
Magnesium 2.49 mg
Phosphorus 0.01 mg
Potassium 162.86 mg
Copper 0.09 mg
Manganese 0.09 mg
Sugarcane Juice Business Plan Sample Checklist