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Vegetable Washing Machine Shipped to Spanish

Oct 17, 2017Published by Wendy
These are bubble type vegetable washing machine is going shipped to Spanish.The spanish customer need one washing machine for washing some vegetable such a lettuce,Col rizada,Coles de Bruselas,celery ect. Our the bubble type washing machine also suitable for other fruit and vegetable such as date,ginger,carrrot,apple,peach and so on.

The bubble type vegteable washing machine consist of  frame, water tank, blower, elevator, feeder, circulating water pump, water filter, etc. While working as a result of the existence of water wind, fruit violently stirring in water, the purpose of cleaning. The other gas produced by the fan to form bubbles in water, due to the bubble burst, the water of fruit to produce a force, to achieve the purpose of further cleaning.

We also provide you the fruit vegetable air drying machine if you need. Any problem email me freely or contact online with our customer service.

vegetable washing and drying machine shipped to spanish
washing and drying machine for lettuce shipped to spanish